Thursday, November 12, 2009

Waiting on Brighton

I have been trying to get everything ready for the new baby. I've organized drawers, closets, blankets, clothes, etc. I have cleaned the bassinet and put clean sheets inside. I even bought newborn diapers and anything else I could think of so that everything is ready when we get home from the hospital.
It probably sounds like I think I'm going to have the baby any minute and obviously I have a few weeks left, but it feels really good to be ready just in case.
I have pretty much bought and wrapped most of my Christmas gifts as well. I want to make sure I don't have anything I need to get done after Brighton is born, especially Christmas shopping.
This is the quilt that I made for Brighton, it was one of my first real quilts so it's not perfect but I'm really happy with how it turned out.
Anyway, I went to the Doc today and he said that little Brighton is measuring at 7 lbs. 4 oz. which is just 2 oz. shy of what Zander weighed when he was born and I still have 3 weeks! He got a pretty good picture of his little face. I took a picture of it so it's bad quality but you can still see his little face. Lance and I were laughing because he looks just like Zander so along with the ultrasound here's a picture of Zander as a newborn and you can see what you think.
So now we're just waiting until Brighton is ready to come. Hopefully the next post is of real pictures of our little guy. Now let's do a fun little poll and see who's right in a few weeks. Tell me what color of hair you think he will have and what you think he will weigh. My guess is blonde hair and 7lbs. 14 oz. Lance's guess is blonde hair and 7 lbs. 1 oz.


Steph said...

Oh my heck, he does look just like Zander! You are so prepared, I'm impressed!!

Just to be different, I'm going to say 8 lbs 1 oz and black hair :)

Ruth said...

Hey girl. Your quilt looks so cute! I didn't know you're naming your baby Brighton. Fun! Okay, so my guess is no hair and 7 lbs flat. (Who says the doctor's right?!)

hoLLY said...

how funny they do look so much alike! i bet he will be your biggest Im gunna say 8lbs!

mommy princess said...

Hey we have the same background! I always knew I had good taste. Good job on getting everything together. I don't even have one gift bought for Christmas. Maybe that's cause my kids are all getting coal this year!! lol I think this baby is going to surprise you with dark hair this time. Hey you never know. Good luck with everything. BTW have you been to the class reunion blog yet? I have a link on my blog for it.

Amelia said...

Ok, so everyone stole my idea, but I think this baby is going to belong to Lance and not the milk man! Dark hair, and 7 lbs, 9 oz. We're keeping our fingers crossed for you! :)

Mitzi said...

Reddish blond hair, 6 lbs. 8 oz. (because he has to be coming soooooon!) I need to see him. I have to squish him in my arms and smell his baby newness! I am more excited for Brighton than I am for Christmas!!! Just in case you have been waiting for my permission to go into labor, I am giving it to you right now!